Joy Lachica is a local leader and politician living in Nogojiwanong/Peterborough, Ontario. Her career has been rooted in education, as a classroom teacher, as an elected Member of the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario and as President of the Elementary Teachers of Toronto. Joy ran as the NDP Candidate for Peterborough-Kawartha in the 2021 Federal Election. On March 7, 2022, International Women’s Day, she announced her intent to stand as Candidate for Town Ward in Peterborough, where she resides. On October 24, 2022 she was elected to the Peterborough City Council.
Joy seeks to participate in a healing path forward with Indigenous communities. As a settler in Williams Treaty territory, Lachica believes that if we fervently take on the Climate Emergency, we can achieve 2050 net-zero emissions targets and preserve the planet for our children. Joy knows that it is only through strategic governance and collaborative work that we can achieve pandemic recovery, address systemic and increasing disparities and build healthier, more sustainable communities.
Connect with Joy
Call the Campaign for Joy Lachica at (705) 741-6859